IB TOK Presentation Guide (Updated 2023)

Unlock the secret to crafting a winning ToK presentation that wows your audience. Learn the must-know tips to nail your presentation and get top marks!

Shreya Tripathi
25th Jan 2023
IB TOK Presentation Guide (Updated 2023)

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What up? What up?


Welcome to this well-written article on Nail IB: your secret weapon for moving closer to a perfect score of 45. This article is the first step towards answering how to make a tok presentation. Before you answer this question, you must familiarise yourself with the fundamentals of the TOK presentation.


Remember, we at Nail IB prioritize your journey of becoming a thinking intellectual. This is done by understanding the fundamentals of the diploma, including IB TOK presentation, TOK EssayExtended EssayInternal Assessment, and CAS. 


Before you read this beautiful article, browse a quick video by Amanda Elise!


What Is A TOK Presentation?

TOK presentation is quite similar to TOK Essay. Both IB concepts emphasize your assessment of critical thinking skills. A TOK Essay takes a more conceptual starting point inspired by the questions released by the International Baccalaureate Organisation. In contrast, an IB TOK presentation, in particular, helps an examiner evaluate your understanding of acquired knowledge based on a real-life situation. To learn the tips and hacks for your essay, click here. If you wish to learn how to ace your presentation, continue reading!


TOK presentation requires the student to demonstrate a solid analysis of a real-life situation (RLS). This is done by choosing a question as a framework for examining the practical implementation of theoretical knowledge in everyday life. In essence, the question for your presentation should be inspired by a real-life situation.


So good so far?


Remember that a knowledge-based question is not the focus but a means for a critical discussion. It is but a way to explore real-life situations and the areas of knowledge connected with them. 


Okay, so here is a recap! You need to find a real-life situation. Then it would help if you thought about the areas of knowledge directly connected to the problem. Once you do that, you need to forge a question that enables you to connect the dots for the audience and walk them through your thinking process. This knowledge question will be the basis of your presentation as you attempt to develop different perspectives to answer the question. The scope of finding a real-life situation varies from a case in your local community or a broader international issue. 

5 Key Points For Your IB TOK Presentation

  • Planning Document
  • TOK presentation topic 
  • KQ & RLS (Knowledge Question & Real Life Situation)
  • Conclusion (Creating a connection from the first slide to the last)
  • Confidence (Most important when it comes to presentations and sadly mostly neglected as well)

Once you have these 5 pillars set, nothing can stop you from achieving your TOK presentation.

Basics For Your Presentation

Now let's shed some light on the basics to begin with. Presentations are integral to every course known as 'student kind.' Every other method that we do requires it. With IB, it is one of the two compulsory TOK assignments. The IB TOK presentation is meant to test your understanding of TOK concepts in relation to a real-life situation. 


TOK presentation is done individually, in pairs, or in three groups. An IB TOK presentation must be delivered in a language known to all class members. Each presenter must take approximately 10 minutes, roughly 30 minutes per group. After the presentation, discussion time should be scheduled. 


Moving ahead, the first question that comes to a student's mind is where to begin. Don't worry; that will be the first question I'll answer hereafter. 


You start with your planning document. This document will be your blueprint for building everything around your presentation and help you maintain your workflow and direction (in case you get lost in real-life situations, knowledge questions, claims, counterclaims, etc.).


Why is this easy?

  •  You have done this before in your TOK ESSAY, i.e., applying your concepts in the development section. The idea is mostly the same except for the presenting part.
  •  You are conceptually straightforward with your Knowledge questions, claims, and implementation in real-life situations (also covered by you in the essay).


I will break down what content must go on each slide alongside what you must address while explaining that slide to everyone. You can always make modifications based on your requirements. The structure will help you clarify yourself to the audience while maintaining the flow of your TOK presentation. 

Slide 1 - Title Page

  • The title of your presentation.
  • Your group members’ names.


What to address

Introduce a real-life situation (RLS). Please elaborate on your perception of the problem when you first encountered it. Emphasize why it is of significance to you.

Slide 2 - Decontextualization 

  • Talk about your initial thoughts about the RLS. It would help if you started transitioning from using 'layman' words to explaining everything using TOK terminology. This can be done using some key terms from the Areas of Knowledge associated with your RLS.


What to address

Explain a few things about the RLS and how we know them. For example, our senses may provide some insights, while our emotions offer others. To put it in TOK terms, you can analyze the extent to which these insights are valid/authentic. Address the limitations of your RLS and your interpretation of it. This will help you show your journey from the RLS to your Knowledge Question. 

Slide 3 - Knowledge Question 

  • Talk about your Areas of Knowledge (AoKs) and Ways of Knowing (WoKs) that you will use to explore your Knowledge Question. Explain their connection to your Knowledge Question (KQ). 


What to address: 

Mention 2 Knowledge Questions that you considered and the one you are investigating. Explain how the Knowledge Question you have chosen will help explain the RLS. For each of your AOKs/WOKs, preview how they can help to answer your KQ. Explain any assumptions you’ve made about your KQ (if any). Dig deep into the key terms that need to be explained for us to understand your KQ.

Slide 4 - Development (1) 

  • Briefly state your claim for the first AOK and the Ways through which you have decided to answer your KQ
  • Support your claim through a piece of scientific evidence (a scientific theory).
  • Briefly state your counterclaim (an opposing idea in the same AOK/WOK). For example, if you examine your situation through a philosophical point of view and your way of knowing is sensory, state that philosophy is mainly abstract science. Therefore your interpretation can be scrutinized in a very different way if examined through a scientific lens. Furthermore, you can challenge your way of knowing by stating that sensory means of acquiring knowledge can be deceptive as one relies on memory to recall how one felt at a particular point. 



Alright. Breathe! All of this can sound way over the top. I felt the same way when I first encountered TOK. But this is precisely how you are supposed to feel. So you are on the right track. Read on!


What to address


Explain your claim and how it is supported by evidence. Clarify how it would answer the KQ. Then do the same for your counterclaim and keep it by evidence. Ensure to clarify how your counterclaim could respond to the KQ differently than your claim did. Use your conclusion to connect the claim and counterclaim.

Slide 5 - Development (2) 

Repeat the steps mentioned on slide 4 using your second Area of Knowledge and Way of Knowing.

Slide 6 - Development (3) 

Repeat the steps mentioned on slide 4 using your third Area of Knowledge and Way of Knowing.

Slide 7 - Conclusion 

  • Write down your conclusion.
  • Write down a possible flaw in your conclusion.


What to address: 


Explain your conclusion and elaborate on how this conclusion is supported by the insights you’ve drawn along the way. Address the possible weakness or flaw in your decision. You can explain with an example of someone from a different perspective (another gender, age, time, or culture) who might disagree with this conclusion.

Example Outline For A TOK Presentation

You must have noticed that we use a Claim, Counterclaim, Mini-Conclusion structure as described in our TOK Essay article. We follow the claim, counterclaim, and mini-conclusion process for each of your developments (AOKs or WOKs) at least thrice. Here's an example of one of your developments:


-For example, your claim might be that emotion is reliable when trying to achieve new artistic knowledge, and you show this using some theory (evidence) you learned from your professor.


-Your counterclaim is a problem (a limitation) with your claim or an opposing idea from the same perspective. Emotion can sometimes lead to unreliable insights into the arts (i.e., art is open to many interpretations). You show this using (as evidence) an example from your own life experience or theory that accentuates the unreliability of human emotion.


-And then, in the mini-conclusion, you basically have to find a way to draw together the two opposing sides. You have to synthesize these two insights to arrive at a more insightful understanding. For instance, emotion can be both reliable and unreliable simultaneously, or there are situations where it's pretty hard to know whether feelings are helping or not (in terms of achieving reliable knowledge). So your MC (mini-conclusion) is that emotions are highly dependable, given that the individual can keep their personal biases away from the situation being experienced.


When you reach your significant conclusion, the key is to draw together and synthesize the insights from all your mini-conclusions. This shows an intellectual approach toward answering your KQ. It also makes your presentation more compelling.

Evidence Can Be

  • Examples from the course or from your research. For example, stories of actual scientific experiments or how society responded to a particular piece of art.
  • Personal examples. Specific and realistic examples from your life experiences are influential in presentations as they are the most convincing

Improve Your Presentation Style

Here are a few pointers to keep in mind while presenting

  • Golden rule - practice makes perfect. As you present in front of an audience (your classmates and your teacher), you must make sure you can articulate your ideas effectively. Rehearse well for your final showdown. 
  • Be clear and loud enough to be heard. A presentation's positive aspect is that it allows you to create many links since it is verbal. E.g., 'referring back to the first slide of the presentation.' 
  • Creating notes to aid yourself in being well aware of what's next helps maintain your flow. This amps up your preparedness. However, you should avoid sticking to the notes too much. Eye contact is significant to make your audience feel addressed.
  • Avoid cramming everything on the slides. Keep minimal content and avoid putting in full-blown long sentences. 
  • If you are using images to display something, make sure they are not pixelated and are clearly visible to the audience.
  • Ensure you stay within your time limit for the presentation.
  • Stay calm about the questions at the end. The questions asked by your teacher are there to help you. If you've missed something in your presentation that is key to answering the knowledge issue, this is your opportunity to gain back marks. If you can't answer the question, make a statement or give an opinion. A classic way of avoiding questions is to make your own question, 'That's an excellent question, but I think the main issue here is….' But try to answer them because they are very likely to be beneficial. 
  • The audience can ask questions too. Avoid planting a question in the audience as it is too obvious and often creates a wrong impression.
  • Lastly, confidence is the key. It would help if you had faith in yourself and the amount of work you have put in. You deserve all of your trust and confidence for your hard work, so it reflects in your way of presenting and is communicated to the evaluator and the audience effectively. 


This article will be the foundation for understanding how to make a tok presentation. A critical key to success is self-confidence. An important key to confidence is preparation ~ Arthur Ashe.


If you are still struggling heaps with your TOK essay, feel free to subscribe to our tok notes bundles or get access to more than 500+ IBDP notes and past papers here.


Nail IB is your virtual companion that helps you hustle through your diploma and provide you with the right resources at the right time. To know more about acing IB, click here.


Before you go!

  • You can also refer to my previous TOK Essay article to explain KQ, AOK, WOK, etc., in depth.

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