Geography HL's Sample Internal Assessment

Geography HL's Sample Internal Assessment

What are the most significant factors affecting the Coastal landscapes on Pulau Ubin and Sentosa?

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Figure 1 - A Photograph Of Siloso Beach (Taken By Author)


Fieldwork Question and links to the syllabus This investigation aims to answer the following fieldwork question - What are the most significant factors affecting the coastal landscapes on Pulau Ubin and Sentosa?


This investigation links to Option B: Oceans and Coastal Margins, specifically “Physical influences on coastal landscapes” (physical factors) and “Management strategies” and “Land-use pressures on coastlines” (human factors).

Geographical Theory

A coastal landscape is a length of coastline molded by depositional and erosional processes (Britannica). Figure 2 shows the main factors that affect coastal landscapes. These are classified into four groups: terrestrial, marine, atmospheric and human.

Figure 2 - An Annotated Diagram Showing Factors Affecting Coastlines (Diagram Waugh, 140) Annotations Added By Author

Geographic Context

The fieldwork question was investigated on two of Singapore’s 64 islands (VisitSingapore): Pulau Ubin and Sentosa (Figure 4). These islands were chosen as their coastal landscapes are similar in some ways (both offshore islands in Singapore), but they differ in terms of physical factors (e.g. fetch and lithology/geology) and human factors (e.g. land-use pressures and management strategies).

Figure 3 - A Hand - Drawn Map of Singapore Showing The Location Of Pulau Ubin And Sentosa (Google Maps)

Figure 4 - A Hand - Drawn Annotated Maps Of Pulau Ubin And Sentose Showing The Main Coastal And Arelevant Human Features Of Each Island (Google Maps)


The following hypotheses were formed to help investigate and answer the fieldwork question -

Main hypothesis

Human factors are more significant than physical factors in affecting coastal landscapes on Sentosa, but physical (specifically atmospheric) factors are more significant than human factors in affecting coastal landscapes on Ubin.


Since most of Sentosa’s tourist resources are secondary, there is much more coastal management. Physical factors affecting Sentosa’s coastline are mostly redundant due to the artificial deposition of sand and the hard engineering used to protect the coastline. Whereas Pulau Ubin’s coastal landscape has less coastal protection and management and therefore is likely to be more influenced by physical factors, in particular atmospheric factors.


Two sub-hypotheses were also created to help investigate the main hypothesis.


There is a positive relationship between wind speed and wave height.


Higher wind speeds provide a greater force onto waves, thus causing them to have greater heights. This will help to investigate the interaction between atmospheric and marine factors.


The percentage of fine sediment will be greater in the backshore and lesser in the foreshore.


Aeolian transportation would cause a greater amount of fine sediment to be transported to the back-shore. This will help to investigate the influence of wind as a key atmospheric factor.


Site selection


In order to answer the fieldwork question, two coastal landscape sites were chosen on each island: Sensory Garden Beach, and Police Post Beach (Figure 5) and Siloso Beach, and Rimau Beach (Figure 6). These sites were chosen using stratified sampling as random sampling may have resulted in inaccessible locations being selected. Furthermore, although random sampling reduces bias, it may have misrepresented coastal landscapes on the two islands as some key features could have been missed. Three transects were chosen on each beach, left, centre, and right (looking out to sea), using systematic sampling to ensure representative data was collected at each beach.

Figure 5 - An Annotated Map Of Southern Pulau Ubin Showing Sites 1 And 2 (Google Maps)

Figure 6 - An Annotated Map Of Westosa Showing Sites 3 And 4 (Google Maps)

Beach profile

Beach profiles (steepness) are influenced by marine, terrestrial, human, and atmospheric factors. The beach profile of the sites can give an indication of the most significant coastal factors acting on them. The beach profile was found using the method described in Figure 7.

Figure 7 - An Annotated Diagram Describing The Method To Find The Beach Profile (Made By Author

Prevailing Wind DirectionWind direction indicates the direction of littoral drift and the significance of atmospheric, particularly aeolian factors in determining the coastal landscape.Secondary data was used to determine wind direction. The wind direction was checked before every reading of windspeed to ensure the speed was measured at its maximum.
Wind SpeedWind speed indicates the energy of a coastline. Inland winds create friction with incoming waves causing them to have higher energies. The energy of a coastline affects its depositional and erosional qualities.A digital anemometer was used facing in the direction determined by the direction of incoming wind.

Figure 8 - Table On

Figure 9 - An Annotated Screenshot Showing Secondary Data Collection.

Littoral Drift

Littoral drift, explained in Figure 9, is important as it determines the formation of coastal landforms like spits and tombolos and influences beach morphology (shape). Thus it may be a significant factor in affecting coastal landscapes as it is a process that involves the interaction of atmospheric (wind) and marine factors. Figure 9 describes the method used to measure littoral drift.

Figure 10 An Annotated Digram Describing The Method Used To Determine The Rate Of Littoral Drift (Made By Author)


Wave HeightThe energy of a wave is proportional to its height squared (Manoa Hawaii). Wave energy, a key marine factor, determines the constructive or destructive nature of the coastal landscape.

A ruler was placed on the seafloor (refer to Figure 11). The difference between the maximum and minimum height of one wave was recorded.

Wave FrequencyThe frequency of approach of a wave indicates the energy transfer at the coastline. Thus determining the formation of coastal landforms and the beach profile.The number of wave crests passing a fixed point in one minute was measured. Three trials were done to ensure reliable data
Angle of Wave ApproachThe angle of wave approach determines the direction of littoral drift and sediment transportation. This affects the position of coastal landforms.The angle of wave approach was estimated by sight, its bearing was found using a digital compass.

Figure 11 - Table On

Figure 12 - An Annotated Diagram Describing How Heigh Was Measured (Made By Author)

Sediment Analysis

The sediment size at different points on the beach is important as it indicates the erosional power of marine processes. It also indicates aeolian (wind) transportation factors like saltation, a key atmospheric factor. A sample of sediment was taken from the fore-shore, mid-shore, and back-shore at each transect. The samples were later dried and weighed to determine the percentage of coarse, medium, and fine sediment.

Figure 13 - A Series Of Annotated Photographs Descrbing The Method Used To Analyse Sediment ( Photos Taken And Annotatedy By Author

Qualitative Observations

In order to assess non-quantitative factors like coastal management (and other human influences) and coastal landforms, qualitative data was collected. This included photographs and observations as written notes.

Statistical technique

The Spearman’s Rank Correlation Coefficient test was conducted between the wind speed and wave height data. This statistical test demonstrates the significance of the correlation between these two variables, this assesses whether wind speed is the cause of wave height, and thus erosional power.

The statistical test is done using the formula below -




Where ⍴ is the Spearman’s Rank Correlation Coefficient, d is the difference between the ranks of a pair of data, and n is the number of pairs of data.The outcome is then tested for significance using the graph in Figure 12.

Figure 14 - A Generalised Graph To Test Significance Of A Spearman's Rank Correlation Coefficient (Barcelona Field Studies Centre)

Figure 15 - Series Of Annotated Photographs And Maps Depicting Qualitative Data Found On Police Post Beach On Pulau Ubin (Google Earth)

The rocks’ shape and texture indicates the significance of marine factors, particularly erosion. Interestingly, the observed waves were very small. Since the beach is only 70 metres from the jetty, it is reasonable to assume much of the wave energy came from boats.

Figure 16 - A Series Of Annotated Photographs And Maps Depicting Qualitative Data Found On Sensory Trail Beach On Pulau Ubin (Google Earth)

Mangroves (a key terrestrial factor) provide coastal protection (see Figure 14), reducing the rate of erosion of the Sensory Trail Beach.

Figure 17 - A Series Of Annotated Photographs And maps Depicting Qualitative Data Found On Rimau Beach (Google Earth)

Due to 400 metres of rip-rap to the West of Rimau beach, sediment will continue to be transported Eastwards. As it approaches Rimau Beach, sediment is deposited in the extruding area. This aids in the formation of the long, flat, beach. Furthermore, due to the short fetch (400m), approaching waves have low energy and thus deposit sediment. This combination of human and terrestrial factors explains the shape and presence of the beach.

Figure 18 - A Series Of Annotated Photographs And Maps Depicting Qualitative Data Found On Siloso Beach (Google Earth)

Due to the many ships passing by, artificial wave energy is likely to have an effect on Siloso beach. However, due to the man-made off-shore breakwaters, much of the wave energy is dissipated, allowing Siloso to maintain its shape. They also lead to the formation of salients and eventually tombolos through littoral drift (see Figure 17).

Figure 19 - An Annotated Diagram Describing Wave Refraction And The Formation Of Tombolos And Salients (Made By Author)

Figure 20 - An Annotated Diagram Describing Wave Refraction And The Formation Of Tombolos And Salients (Made By Author)

Figure 21 - An Annotated Satellite Image Of The Sample Site On Siloso Beach Showing The Distribution Of Sediment Size And Beach Profile (Google Earth).

Figure 22 - An Annotated Satellite Image Of The Sample Site On Siloso Rimau Showing The Distribution Of Sediment Size And Beach Profile (Google Earth).

Figure 23 - An Annotated Diagram Describing The Effect Of High Energy Waves On Coastlines (M.D. Geography)

Figure 24 - An Annotated Satellite Image Of Siloso Beach Explaining The Anomaly In 24

The high percentage of fine sediment on Siloso (53%) and the flattened beach profiles after 14 metres indicate the presence of human influence (Figure 19), specifically beach nourishment. This is contrasted by the higher percentage of medium sediment (54%) and the gentle sloping beach on Rimau (Figure 20). On both beaches, a generally positive trend between distance from the shore and percentage of fine sediment is observed, alluding to the significance of aeolian factors described in Figure 23. This same trend implies that marine factors may not be significant (see Figure 21). The anomaly in Figure 18 is discussed in Figure x.

Figure 25 - An Annotated Diagram Explaining Aeoilian Treansrtation Processes (Springer Link)

Figure 26 - An annotated satellite image of the sample site on Sensory Trail Beach showing the distribution of sediment size and beach profile (Google Earth).

Figure 27 - An Annotated Satellite Image Of The Sample Site On Police Post Beach Showing The Distribution Of Sediment Size And Beach Profile (Google Earth).

Figure 28 - An Annotated Diagram Describing The Process Of Attrition (Made By Author)

Figure 29 - An Annotated Satellite Image Of The Sample Site On Siloso Beach Showing Wave Energy And Direction, Wind Speed And Direction, And Littoral Drift Rate And Direction (Google Earth)

Figure 30 - An Annotated Satellite Image Of The Sample Site On Rimau Beach Showing Wave Energy And Direction, Wind Speed And Direction, And Littoral Drift Rate And Direction (Google Earth)

The high percentages of fine sediment on both Police Post Beach and Sensory Trail Beach (49% and 47% respectively) indicate the significance of erosional factors, specifically attrition (see Figure 24). Similar to the beaches on Sentosa, a more significant percentage of fine sediment was found on the backshore, indicating the significance of aeolian transportation, however, an overall greater amount of sediment was medium-sized, indicating less human influence. Attrition and hydraulic action occurring at a large rock outcrop may lead to larger rock fragments nearby, explaining the anomaly in Figure x.

Figure 31 - An Annotated Satellite Image Of The Sample Site On Sensory Trail Beach Showing Wave Energy And Direction, Wind Speed And Direction, And Littoral Drift Rate And Direction (Google Earth)

Figure 32 - An Annotated Satellite Image Of The Sample Site On Police Post Beach Showing Wave Energy And Direction, Wind Speed And Direction, And Littoral Drift Rate And Direction (Google Earth)

Due to artificial offshore breakwaters at Siloso (Figure 16), wave energy has been dissipated. Although the wind direction may determine the direction of littoral drift in the West and Centre, it is more likely that sediment is being transported East and West due to wave refraction at the breakwaters. In the centre transect, the wind direction and speed likely had a larger impact on the direction of littoral drift than the direction of wave approach, due to the relative strength of the waves and wind.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

Figure 33 - A Scatter Graph Of Wave Height (M) Versus Wind Speed (M/s), Anomalies In Red.

Because the angle of wave approach is almost perpendicular to the coastline, there is a very low rate of littoral drift (1.58 metres/minute max). The opposite direction of littoral drift to wind direction for two out of three transects indicates little significance of aeolian factors. Interestingly, wind direction and the angle of wave approach are in somewhat the opposite direction, these factors likely work against each other, reducing the overall energy of the coastline, explaining the low littoral drift rate.

Figure 34 - A Series Of Annotated Tables And Graphs Showing The Results Of A Spearman's Rank Test

Similar to Rimau Beach, the South transect has an anomalous high wave energy (149 joules), this is again likely due to a passing vehicle. In the Centre and North transects, wave energy is extremely low. This is likely due to the Northeasterly wind direction (opposing the wave approach), causing dissipation of energy, this also reduces the littoral drift rate.

Figure 35 - An Annotated Diagram Describing The Theoretical Effect Of Wind On Wave Height (Seafriends)

Figure 28 demonstrates the large influence of aeolian factors on the coastline. There is a strong correlation between the wind direction, the angle of wave approach, and the direction of littoral drift. In the Centre transect, the rate of littoral drift is 0.95 metres/minute, this is relatively low compared to the West and East transects (2.43 and 2.31 metres/minute respectively), this can be explained by the wind direction being perpendicular to the shoreline, reducing its effect on the rate of littoral drift.


Figure 36 - Table On

Figure 30 demonstrates little to no relationship between wind speed and wave height, implying other factors such as swash from boats have a greater effect on wave height than wind, indicating the significance of human factors. Furthermore, due to an extremely short fetch (>1km on all beaches) wind has less time to cause an increase in wave height (see Figure 31).


The first sub-hypothesis (pg6) can be fully rejected. As shown in the Spearman’s Rank test (Figure 30), the weak correlation between wind speed and wave height has occurred by chance as it is below the 95% significance level. This implies other factors play a greater role than wind speed in determining wave height, such as extremely short fetches and swash from boats. The second sub-hypothesis (pg6) can be fully accepted as all beaches show a greater percentage of fine sediment in the backshore.


The main hypothesis can be partially accepted, as discussed below, human factors have some significance in Sentosa, however, it is not the most significant factor. Atmospheric factors (particularly Aeolian) are the most significant factors affecting Pulau Ubin’s coastline. The inverse relationship between sediment size and distance from the shoreline on both sensory trail and police post beach demonstrate aeolian transportation of fine sediment. Analysis shows that strong Northeasterly winds on the sensory trail beach reduce wave energy, thereby reducing the significance of marine factors. On police post beach, Northwesterly winds in the West and East transects lead to a greater rate of littoral drift (2.43 and 2.31 metres/minute). Although evidence of marine factors can be seen in high percentages of fine sediment on both police post (49%) and sensory trail beaches (47%), the significance of atmospheric factors outweighs the significance of marine factors. Smooth beach profiles on sensory trail and police post beaches indicate a lack of human factors. Although there was evidence of a passing vehicle (wave energy was 149J), this was the only one of six measurements above 36J, suggesting it was an anomaly. Since aeolian factors determine the areas that are eroded based on wind direction and speed (indirectly affecting energy), terrestrial factors do not play a large role in affecting the coastal landscape.


On Rimau beach, the most significant factors were atmospheric (particularly Aeolian) and marine factors. While the inverse correlation between sediment size and distance from the shoreline indicated the presence of aeolian factors, the overall higher proportion of medium (51%) and fine (38%) sediment indicated the presence of erosion. On the East transect, the direction of littoral drift was concurrent with the direction of the wind. In the center transect, wind direction and the angle of wave approach was opposing, this caused a low rate of littoral drift (0.33metres/minute), suggesting they worked against each other. On Siloso beach, atmospheric (particularly Aeolian), human, and marine factors played a significant role. Similar to Rimau, a negative correlation between sediment size and distance from the shoreline indicated the presence of aeolian factors. Human factors were indicated by flattening beach profiles, an extremely high proportion of fine sediment (53%), and the presence of an offshore breakwater causing the formation of artificial bays, salients, and tombolos. Marine factors were indicated by wave refraction, leading to high rates of littoral drift to the East (2.31metres/minute) and West (4.86metres/minute) of the bay.

Overall, atmospheric (particularly Aeolian) and marine factors are the most significant factors affecting coastal landscapes on both Pulau Ubin and Sentosa.

Works Cited

Britannica. "Coastal Landforms | Description, Formation, & Types." Encyclopedia Britannica, Accessed 5 June 2022.


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"Google Maps." Google Maps, 2022, Accessed 5 June 2022.


MD.Geography. MD.Geography, Accessed 5 June 2022.


"Measuring Sea Motion with the MOTUS Wave Sensor." Xsens 3D Motion Tracking, Accessed 5 June 2022.


Spalding, McIvor M., et al. "Mangroves For Coastal Defence." The Nature Conservancy: A World Where People & Nature Thrive, Accessed 2014.


University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa | Take Me To Manoa, 13 Oct. 2017, Accessed 5 June 2022.


VisitSingapore. "Visit Singapore." Accessed 5 June 2022.


Waugh, David. Geography: An Integrated Approach. Nelson Thornes, 2000. Accessed 9 May 2022.

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