IB Digital Society HL's Sample Internal Assessment

IB Digital Society HL's Sample Internal Assessment

How has the implementation of biometric home security systems in residential buildings contributed to the effective safeguarding of homeowners in Mombasa from 2020-2023?

10 mins read
10 mins read
Candidate Name: N/A
Candidate Number: N/A
Session: N/A
Word count: 1,910

Table of content

Section A: Inquiry Focus

Inquiry Question:

How has the implementation of biometric home security systems in residential buildings contributed to the effective safeguarding of homeowners in Mombasa from 2020-2023?


Supporting Statement:

Biometric home security systems utilize advanced technologies like fingerprint recognition to enhance security and convenience in smart homes. These systems replace traditional keys, passwords, and PINs with biometric authentication, making homeowners or tenants the key to their smart homes. (Fingerprint Cards AB, 2024)

Real World Example:

The burglary and housebreaking rate in Mombasa is 78.4% according to the National Crime Research Center as of 2022. (National Crime Research Centre, 2022) This is an extremely concerning rate. To reduce this as new buildings start to be built around Mombasa the technological advancements of biometrics in home security have taken a rise. This allows homeowners to have control on who has access to their homes without the worry of losing their keys or someone breaking in. The implementation of biometric home security systems in residential buildings is effective in increasing safety of homeowners in developing cities such as Mombasa by providing an additional layer of security to deter burglars and intruders. (Migutsky & Murzina, 2023)

Course Connections


4.1. Culture

4.1.B. Home, leisure and tourism

Local: Integration of biometric home security systems in Mombasa allows for personalized access control for families and homeowners reducing intrusions and burglary in residential areas.


Global: The advancement of biometric home systems has been implemented globally, and its effects have significantly impacted the global community along with the digital world providing a safer environment for homeowners and residents.


3.1. Data

3.1.I. Data dilemmas: Biometric home security systems in Mombasa may share data with other devices, potentially raising data privacy concerns for residents.

3.5. Digital Media

3.5.A. Types of Digital Media: Mombasa homeowners are upgrading security with biometric features like fingerprint scanners and facial recognition, along with CCTV cameras for added safety. These systems analyze images and videos for enhanced pattern recognition


2.3. Identity

2.3.A. Identity helps define a person, group, social entity and/or community: In Mombasa, biometric home security systems must recognize different identities to accurately grant access, reflecting the community's diversity.

2.6. Systems

2.6.B. Systems involve sets of interacting, interdependent and/or interconnected elements: Biometric home security systems in Mombasa adhere to systematic principles, comprising components such as databases and sensors working together.

Section B: Source Discussion and Evaluation

The source is a YouTube video titled "How secure is Biometric Authentication Technology and Biometric Data?" uploaded by DW Shift on December 31, 2019. The source is authentic as the Youtube channel has made similar videos in the past and also uses primary sources within their video. Its primary aim is to delve into the security aspects of biometric authentication technology and biometric data. The video discusses the functioning of biometric authentication and highlights the various forms of biometric data employed for authentication. Furthermore, it shows potential security vulnerabilities linked to biometric authentication, encompassing the risks of data theft or hacking. Emphasizing the imperative of safeguarding biometric data and implementing robust security measures, the video emphasizes its significance in preventing unauthorized access. Additionally, it explores the pros and cons of biometric authentication.


In essence, the video offers valuable insights into the security dimensions of biometric authentication technology and biometric data. It effectively delineates the mechanics of biometric authentication and the spectrum of biometric data types applicable for authentication. Moreover, it highlights the security challenges that may arise with biometric authentication and the crucial need to protect biometric data. It should be noted that the video's content is as of 2019, and since then, there have been advancements in biometric security. The video benefits from being hosted on YouTube, a reputable video-sharing platform. The channel responsible for the video, is known for producing informative content across various subjects. The video offers an unbiased examination of the security implications associated with biometric authentication technology and biometric data while also considering the advantages and disadvantages of this technology maintaining a neutral tone.


The YouTube video is indirectly relevant to the research question concerning the implementation of biometric home security systems in residential buildings in Mombasa. While the video primarily explores the security aspects of biometric authentication technology and data, it allows for an understanding of biometrics in security systems. Shedding light on the potential security risks and the importance of protecting biometric data, which resonates with the concerns homeowners may have about the security of their biometric-based home security systems. Although the video doesn't directly address the Mombasa context, its insights offer valuable perspectives on the security dimensions of such systems and their potential implications for homeowner protection. Overall the video is essential in answering the inquiry question as it allows for an analysis of the benefits and negatives of biometric security systems in various circumstances providing a well rounded perspective.


The research article, titled "Cloud-Based Gait Biometric Identification in Smart Home Ecosystem," uploaded to the Research Gate website in March 2021 by Bodepudi and Reddy, delves into the integration of gait recognition technology with cloud computing to increase smart home security and streamline access control. The article explores the integration of gait recognition technology with cloud computing to enhance smart home security and provide seamless and reliable access control. The purpose of the study is to develop a cloud-based gait recognition system that can efficiently store and manage extensive data associated with gait biometric, making it easy to enroll additional residents into the smart home system. Gait biometrics is a form of human identification and authentication that uses the unique features of a person's walking pattern.


The article covers various aspects, including the enrollment process, gait biometric authentication, and access control within the smart home ecosystem. The proposed system utilizes specialized sensors or cameras installed within the home to collect gait data, which is then compared with stored data in the cloud to determine individual identity. A significant focus of the study is on the system's scalability, designed to accommodate multiple residents and expand within home environments. The envisioned values of the study include elevating smart home security levels, ensuring seamless and reliable access control, and fostering a user-friendly and intuitive smart home experience.


While the article does not explicitly address the question of how biometric home security systems contribute to the effective safeguarding of homeowners, it highlights the benefits of employing biometric technology in smart homes. Biometric access control systems, such as those based on fingerprint, iris patterns, or facial recognition, offer unparalleled accuracy in verifying authorized individuals. These systems provide a heightened level of control over access to specific spaces, thereby enhancing security and generating valuable data on building occupancy.


Furthermore, the article allows for an understanding on improvements that can be made to biometric home security systems in order to enhance the safety and security of homeowners. However the article is not directly related to the local context of mombasa nor the research question it enables for a deeper understanding of biometric security systems work in homes as well as what are the steps involved in the process of this safety. Additionally this article is written by credible authors who have previously published studies on IT systems and their involvement in the field is significant.


The source is a commentary titled "The enduring risks posed by biometric identification systems" uploaded by Brookings on February 9, 2022. It is published on a newspaper website and is a commentary not an article hence it has a slightly biased view regardless of how well balanced the information might be. It discusses the evolving risks associated with biometric technologies over the past two decades. Initially, during debates on using biometrics in the war on terror, there was a perception that biometric identifiers were secure and convenient, as they were considered difficult to borrow, steal, forget, or forge. However, the understanding of risks has shifted towards concerns about data collection and privacy rights. The article highlights how privacy activists advocate against data collection as the best way to prevent harms from biometric systems.


The purpose of this source is to shed light on the changing field of biometric identification systems and the associated risks. It delves into how the understanding of harm to biometric security systems has transitioned from incomplete implementation to concerns about data collection and privacy rights. The article aims to inform readers about the complexities and implications of using biometric identifiers for authentication and identification purposes. The source emphasizes the importance of considering privacy rights and data protection in the context of biometric technologies. By advocating for better protections on information use rather than solely relying on secure implementation, the article highlights a critical perspective that prioritizes safeguarding individuals' rights. This helps in understanding the positives and negatives of biometric security systems as it allows for a deeper understanding of the negatives of these systems and how they can be reduced to increase safety of users.


However, despite its insightful analysis, this source also has limitations. It primarily focuses on the risks associated with biometric identification systems without extensively exploring potential benefits or advancements in the field. While it raises awareness about privacy concerns and data protection, a discussion that includes a balanced view of both risks and benefits could provide a better understanding of biometric technologies. Additionally, further exploration of regulatory frameworks or technological advancements that address these risks could enhance the depth of analysis presented in this source. Additionally, the source is not directly related to the local context of mombasa nor the research question making it slightly harder to interpret information in relation to the research being conducted.


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Appendix A: (Survey sent to a residential building in Mombasa using biometric security)

14 responses


How long have you been using this system? 14 responses

Survey response graph showing how long users have been using the biometric system

Survey response graph showing satisfaction ratings

Survey response graph showing challenges encountered

Survey response graph showing privacy concerns

Survey response graph showing recommendations

Appendix B: (Interview with a Mombasa resident who utilizes biometric security systems in their home)

Good morning to you too 1:10 pm


Could you please tell me what encouraged you to move to a building with a biometric security system?


I did a lot of research before moving to my apartment building as I did not know how these biometric systems worked outside of smartphones. I found out that they are unique to yourself and also get rid of the hassle of carrying keys around or remembering a password. In my building we have a fingerprint scanner which lets you in along with that each apartment has a security system implanted where they can get calls to allow visitors into their apartment or easily call the security team downstairs.


Firstly I feel much safer knowing only the people who reside in the building can get access into the building and random people can't just enter and leave whenever they want.


In what ways do you find biometric access control more convenient or effective compared to traditional security methods?


I believe it is much more convenient and safer than when I used to live in my old apartment complex. Anyone could just enter the building on whichever floor they wanted as there was only security at the main gate and this led to a lot of thefts and break ins in our apartment. But this way I know that no one can enter without a fingerprint or access from another home. Also I don't have to worry about losing keys or something like that.


Have you encountered any challenges in using the biometric security system?


Once, the power went out and the main doors did not lock again. They remained open for a good 15 minutes because the generator had an issue that day as well. This was a little scary for me as I was home alone that day and was afraid for my security.


How do you manage the enrollment process for new residents or individuals into your biometric security system?


Our building secretary ensures that new residents get one of their fingers scanned and inputted into the system. I moved here a long time ago so I do not remember the process that well but it was not tedious it was very quick and easy, not longer than 10 minutes.


Thank you, Molly for sharing your insights and experiences with me today.


You're welcome. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.

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