Football Club Midtjylland, also known as FC Midtjylland, is a Danish football team that was founded in 1999 through the merger of Herning Fremad and Ikast FS. FCM's logo, which depicts a wolf, was created in 1999. They chose this design because wolves are constantly on the lookout for new prey and targets, which they believe would help the club succeed. The FCM motto, "Whoever stops trying to be better stops being good," emphasises the need to constantly better oneself if one wants to succeed.
This written commentary will examine the various marketing techniques FC Midtjylland currently employs to attract more players to their budget-priced games. When analysing FC Midtjylland, promotion, segmentation, and SWOT analysis will also be taken into consideration. Market segmentation can be used to divide the market into smaller or more distinct groups of consumers in order to cater to their needs and wants, and promotion is the act of informing consumers about a company's product with the primary goal of luring in new clients or keeping hold of existing ones.
Strengths | Weaknesses |
Opportunities | Threats |
Figure 1 - Table On FC Midtjylland (FCM)
Understanding your company's potential strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats can be done using the SWOT analysis. If the SWOT analysis is used to FCM, one of their advantages is that they took home the Alka Superliga trophy in Denmark in 2015. The fact that FCM's former head coach Glen Riddersholm resigned after leading them to victory the previous season is one of their weaknesses. Another weakness is that the club's website is only available in Danish, making it difficult for non-Danish speakers to use. With FCM now competing in the Europa League, more people from across Europe may become interested in the team, but it will be more difficult for them to do so due to the website's language barrier. Particularly given their chance to attract new clients or supporters by participating in the Europa League.
This position will increase interest among the public. Other clubs in Denmark that compete on the same level as FCM pose a threat when FCM has difficult periods where they lose a lot of games and do not score.
Segmentation is another tool used in FCM, including demographic, geographic, and psychographic segmentation. If you use demographic segmentation, FCM aims to attract players of all ages and genders to their games. When discussing geographic segmentation, FCM primarily promotes their brand in the Midtjylland region of Jutland. With a 13.005 km2 area and 1.282.250 million inhabitants, Midtjylland is home to many people.
In terms of psychographic segmentation, FCM doesn't charge a high price for tickets, which helps them draw in more patrons like schoolchildren, high-income families, low-income families, students enrolled in college or youth education, and so on. They draw football players and supporters, anyone who take an interest in the game.
FCM uses above-the-line advertising to market their company and club. When the game is approaching, radio advertising are used. They specify who they are playing and how much the tickets will cost. Because they can connect with their supporters who listen to the radio, FCM may benefit from this. Because FCM forces customers to visit the games and their brand, the pull technique is being applied in this situation.
Sometimes, FCM offers student discounts for both low-end and high-end games, and in addition to the student discounts, they claim that students can also receive a free beverage. This is one method they advertise their games so that kids with limited financial resources can go to the game. Additionally, FCM has a website, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter as part of its social media presence. These platforms are some ways to connect with your supporters, build your football club's brand, and have a greater chance of success in the future. Being able to communicate with the audience without using newspaper, television, or web media is also a clever move. Despite the fact that FCM needs to improve, the youthful team is working to grow its fan base. People of all ages and genders who enjoy watching football are currently their clients. Only Danish is used on their website, which can be a drawback since many people who don't speak Danish or who are moving to Denmark won't be able to understand what is written there. However, it can also indicate that FCM is primarily focused on Denmark and the Midtjylland region of that country.
A partnership between FCM and Arriva, a Danish train company, allows club supporters to travel to matches more affordably and conveniently because trains will depart directly from the stadium's train station for any matches taking place in Denmark that day.
Over the past year, FCM have made improvements to their economy and on-field performance, but the brand value of FCM is not that great, which also has a significant impact on the fan base and the number of fans the team can attract. All of FCM's apparel, including their football shirts, shorts and socks, is modelled after the team's official home and away jerseys.
FCM employs radio and posters to advertise their club to the public via segmentation and promotion. FCM, on the other hand, doesn't speak a second language, which may be a drawback if FCM hopes to draw in football fans who don't understand Danish. FC Kbenhavn is an example of a club in Denmark that offers services in multiple languages. You have the option of leaving it on Danish or having it on English. Therefore, if you want to be successful in the sport industry globally, you must provide more languages.
The analysis of FC Midtjylland has led to the conclusion that FC Midtjylland should try to make their website in English so that people who don't know Danish can read it. As a result, now that FC Midtjylland is a member of the Europa League, they will be able to attract more supporters from throughout Europe as well as Denmark. Additionally, FCM could work to offer student discounts for the lower-priced games in an effort to draw in more young people. Alternatively, as suggested in the article, FCM should reduce the cost of train travel to make it simpler for FC Midtjyllands supporters to follow the team to its games throughout Denmark.
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