Biology SL's Sample Internal Assessment

Biology SL's Sample Internal Assessment

What is the effect of different taurine concentrations (500, 750, 1500, 3000, 5000 mg/l) on the growth (measured in Mm) of Triticum aestivum L?

11 mins read
11 mins read
Candidate Name: N/A
Candidate Number: N/A
Session: N/A
Word count: 2,124

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Taurine, also known as 2 - aminoethanesulfonic acid is the most abundant free, intracel- lular amino acid in the human body. It is present in millimolar concentrations in most mammalian tissues (Bouckenooghe et al. 2006). Taurine can be described as an am- biguous organic compound as it appears to serve various functions, but its role in these processes is not clear, and the effect of high doses of taurine in these processes is not de - termined. Evidence shows that it’s vital in numerous physiological processes such as os- moregulation (the control of the water potential of body fluids to maintain a constant inter- nal environment in the blood, tissue fluid and cytoplasm (Walpole et al. 2014)), im- munomodulation (the alteration of the immune system or of an immune response by agents that activate or suppress its function (Chaplin et al. 2010)) and bile salt formation (a unique function of the liver, which is vital to the survival of the organism (Boyer et al. 2013)) (Bounckenooghe et al. 2006).


Taurine is a conditionally essential nutrient (an organic compound that is ordinarily pro- duced by the body in amounts sufficient to meet its physiological requirements (Kendler, 2006)). Taurine is naturally present in food such as meat and seafood. It is an ingredient often found in energy drinks and pre-workout supplements because taurine can purported- ly amplify vascular reactivity and muscular contractility. I have chosen taurine as the topic of my investigation, because of my interest in the influence of energy drinks. Energy drinks are oftentimes advertised as nutritional and deemed as harmful by doctors. I was curious to find out its effect on plants.


When it comes to plants, the occurrence of taurine and its significance has not been clarified, as there were few reports of its existence in plants; inter alia: red algae (Rhodophyta), brown algae (Phaeophyta), green algae (Chlorophyta), mosses (Bryophyta), Pteridophytes (Pteridophyta). Even so, the contents of taurine that were re- ported in the plants were very low, below 1/100 of the content of taurine in animals (Kataoka & Ohnishi, 1986). It has been previously reported that taurine has a stimulatory effect on plant growth, specifically Triticum aestivum L. (Hao et al. 2004) My investigation aims to examine the effect of different taurine concentrations on the growth of Triticum aestivum L. similarly to the study conducted by Hao et al. in 2004.



As taurine concentration increases, the rate of growth of Triticum aestivum L. increases.


Independent variabl - Taurine concentration (mg/L) (500, 750, 1500, 3000, 5000 mg/L) (± 1 mg/L)


Dependent variable - Growth of Triticum aestivum L. (mm) (± 1 mm)


Controlled variables -

  • The planters were all kept in the same environment, in the corner of my balcony, so each sample was kept in maintained conditions which would allows for the focus on the one most important variable (concentration of taurine)
  • The temperature applied to the samples was similar as the experiment was conduct- ed over a course of one month
  • Humidity was maintained because all the samples were being investigates subse- quently
  • Sunlight were maintained the same for all samples, as all samples were examined during the month of August
  • All samples of wheat and taurine were sourced from the same places (a local market and a sports store) and were of the same kind
  • The time of the recordings of growth was kept at a constant (7 pm) to ensure that the measurements were regular and there was no difference of measurement
  • All samples of wheat were watered by the same quantity of the appropriate concentra- tion.
  • All samples of wheat were planted with the same amount of seedlings.


Possible confounding variables -

  • There might have been a difference in the biological conditions of seedlings.
  • There was no way of controlling the irregular changes in the natural environment.
  • There might have been slight differences in measurements (human error).

Risk assessments

Safety issues

Taurine is considered to be a skin and eye irritant so gloves were worn and especial caution was applied to avoid any irritations.


Ethical issues

There were no ethical issues to consider.


Apparatus and reagents


  • 1. 6 (28cm⋅11cm⋅13cm) planters (± 1 cm)
  • 10 kg of soil
  • A ruler (± 1 mm)
  • 30 samples of Triticum aestivum L.
  • 1 - liter water bottles (± 1 ml)
  • A stirrer
  • Latex gloves



  • 5375 mg of taurine measured consecutively in measuring scoops (± 1 mg)
  • 25 liters of water



  • Prepare six 1- liter water bottles filled with water. Measure the water in a measuring cup. Put on latex gloves.
  • Measure out every portion of taurine powder with a measuring spoon. Insert the ap- propriate amount (500, 750, 1500, 3000, 5000 mg/L) of taurine powder (after measur- ing it out) into each of 5 bottles. Leave one with just water, for the control condition. Putting the appropriate amounts (500, 750, 1500, 3000, 5000 mg/L) into one liter bot- tles, stir energetically with a stirrer.
  • Use a stirrer to create the solutions


Germination and growth

  • Place the planters in the same environment (e.g., in the garden, on the balcony etc.)
  • Divide the wheat seeds into equal amounts (25g each) (± 1g)
  • Sow the soil with the wheat seeds
  • Water the planters at 7pm with 500ml (± 1ml) (for optimal conditions) of either pure water or the appropriate solution each day for two weeks
  • At the time of the watering, observe the outer characteristics of the plant and make notes
  • After 14 days, measure the height of the highest seedling in each planter with a ruler (from the bottom emerging from the soil to the top of the culm) and count the number of germinated seedlings
  • Repeat the procedure to obtain reliable data


Raw data

After two weeks of observation, raw data in a ratio form was obtained.

Figure 1 - Table On Raw Data

Processed data

Figure 2 - Table On Processed Data

Measurement of wheat (mm) (±1mm) - mean value and standard deviation

Figure 3 - Mean Value And Standard Deviation

Qualitative data

  • The root strength and length were visibly improved in the optimal dosage samples (1500 mg/L)
  • The leaf permeability and strength were visibly promoted in the optimal dosage sam- ples (1500 mg/L)
  • The leaves of the highest dosage sample (5000 mg/L) were visibly more dry and died out quicker in comparison to the other samples

Uncertainty of the apparatus

  • The ruler - ±1 mm / 167 mm * 100% = 0.6% • Other trials - 0.53%; 0.49%; 0.52%; 0.53%
  • The measuring scoop - ±1 mg / 500 mg * 100% = 0.2% • Other trials - 0.13%; 0.07%; 0.03%; 0.02%
  • The measuring cup - ±1 ml / 1000 ml * 100% = 0.1%


Overall error of the experiment - 3.22%

Statistical test

The statistical ANOVA test was performed on GDC to measure the statistical signifi- cance of the results.

Figure 4 -

The p-value of 7.11 suggests that the hypothesis ‘As taurine concentration increases, the rate of growth of Triticum aestivum L. increases’ should be rejected.


Even though my hypothesis (As taurine concentration increases, the growth of Triticum aestivum L. increases) has to be rejected, the study has given insight into the influence of taurine on wheat growth. According to the results, 1500 mg/L seems to be the optimal dose for wheat to sustain quicker growth. Doses over 1500 mg/L cause overdose of tau- rine - a plausible explanation would be the inability of taurine binding to receptor or trans- port sides because of usage of such a high dosage.


The results are supported by the analysis of the ANOVA statistical test. The p-value of 7.11 suggests the rejection of the stated hypothesis: ‘As taurine concentration increases, the rate of growth of Triticum aestivum L. increases’. However, even though the results don’t support the initial hypothesis, they give insight into the optimal dose of taurine for the growth of Triticum aestivum L.


Similarly to Hao et al. (2004), the results of my study has shown that the promotion of wheat growth occurs at an optimal dose. The root length of the plant and the leaf perme- ability are also consistent in both studies. Nonetheless, the control groups have shown the least growth over a course of a month. We can conclude that taurine has an effect on the growth of Triticum aestivum L., when kept at an optimal rate.


One strength of my experiment would be the varied values of taurine concentrations. Even though they were limited, they were chosen carefully to see how wheat would react under the influence of small, moderate and big doses which allowed for the observation of optimal dosage.


The readings were recorded during the month of August in optimal weather conditions. This choice allowed for the conduct to be both rapid and convenient. The weather man- aged to stay virtually the same over the course of the two weeks of the experiment. That way, it’s more plausible that the results have not been influenced by unfavorable weather as a confounding variable. Even though it is difficult to subjectively choose the highest seedling among all of the strands of wheat, I managed to get reliable measurements that clearly showed the changes in the rate of growth. It may be a difficulty to come across during the conduction of the experiment.


The limited values of taurine concentrations were definitely a weakness of my study. The values of taurine had to be altered. In a possible replication of the study more distinct values in larges amounts would give greater insight into the investigated phenomenon.


It would also be more profitable to record more repeated readings. Due to time con- straints, caused by the climate and the weather, the experiment was carried out over a course of one month. More repeated reading would allow for the examination of further in- fluence of taurine on wheat.


If the experiment was conducted in lab resources, the sustainment of optimal environ- mental factors would be easier to conduct. The temperature could be only controlled by conducting the investigation in a specific month. The change in temperature over the weeks, even though very minimal, could have slightly influenced the growth of the plant.


In a further investigation, the readings could take place over the course of different months during spring and summer. Different values of concentrations could be implement- ed to examine their influence. My investigation allows for the examination of particular tau- rine concentrations (500, 750, 1500, 3000, 5000 mg/L) during the month of August.


The experiment could be also conducted with the use of different plant seedlings. Per- haps, taurine has a completely different influence on the growth of various plants. What is more, the influence of other energy amplifying substances could be examined, for example caffeine or theine.


The collection of qualitative data was based on subjective opinions. It could have inac- curacy in registering the data and the comparison with the Hao et al. (2004) study. In a hy- pothetical replication, multiple researchers could work on the experiment, so as to avoid researcher bias.


  • Bouckenooghe, T., Remacle, C., & Reusens, B. (2006). Is taurine a functional nutrient? Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care, 9(6), 728 -733.
  • Boyer, J. L. (2013). Bile Formation and Secretion. Comprehensive Physiology.
  • Chaplin, D. D. (2010). Overview of the immune response. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 125(2).
  • Hao, L. H., et al. "Physiological effects of taurine on the growth of wheat (Triticum aes- tivum L.) seedlings." Journal of plant physiology and molecular biology 30.5 (2004) - 595-598.
  • Kataoka, H., & Ohnishi, N. (1986). Occurrence of taurine in plants. Agricultural and Bio- logical Chemistry, 50(7), 1887-1888.
  • Kendler, B. S. (2006). Supplemental Conditionally Essential Nutrients in Cardiovascular Disease Therapy. The Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 21(1), 9 -16. doi - 10.1097/00005082-200601000-00004
  • Walpole, B., Merson-Davies, A., & Dann, L. (2014). Biology for the IB diploma (p. 353). Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.

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