Primary procedure
- A sterile nutrient agar plate was taken for the lawn of growth.
- The bacteria culture was added to streak the plate using a micro pipette.
- The plates were allowed to dry for 10 minutes.
- The filter discs impregnated with the mouthwash (using a micropipette) solutions were inserted using a flame sterilised forceps. Three discs of the same type were inserted in each of the plate to collect the data in triplicate.
- The discs were gently pressed on the agar plates using the flame sterilised forceps.
- The lid of the petri discs were closed and turned upside down, marking was done on the cover of the petri dishes to separate the filter discs.
- The petri dishes were then incubated for 24 hours at 370C.
- The dishes were taken out and the diameter of the zone of inhibition was measured using a metric ruler.
The same process was followed for all the mouthwash solution as well as for water as a control.